Behold II Tour

Behold II Tour

Behold II Tour

Behold II Tour

Project information


Product Launch


Product Launch

Faced with the challenge of launching Samsung's Behold II phone on an unprecedented timeline, TokitaBethune demonstrated exceptional agility and innovation. Tasked to conceptualize a 5-city tour in just one day—a process that typically spans months—we rose to the occasion with remarkable efficiency.

Leveraging the strategic locations of the events in shopping malls with existing T-Mobile stores, we partnered with the renowned America's Best Dance Crew champions, Quest Crew. This collaboration was a game-changer. We synergized with Quest Crew to choreograph a captivating performance, cleverly incorporating the new phone into their routine. Our comprehensive approach included dynamic product demos, managing high-energy main stage performances, and orchestrating engaging meet-and-greets and photo sessions at T-Mobile stores.

This multidimensional event not only showcased our adaptive planning skills but also our ability to create unforgettable experiences under the most demanding circumstances.

